April 20, 2024

So what happened to StockApp?

Well for those of you that downloaded earlier versions, it has been crippled and is no longer fuctional.


The service I used to update data has increased it's price by 400%.   I received  no warning, notices, texts or other about the price increase.  I'm not willing to pay that amount and furthermore do not wish to do business like that.

I write this software for the masses and attempt to keep the cost low for everyone.

In order to do that, I need to, for the umpteenth time, re-write the software.

Writing software takes a long time.  I had anticipated some minor cost increases but not one that increased by over 400 percent in one year.

Hence, in the new version I'll see if I can eventually include end user options to supply data.  That way, even in a crippling event like this, the software will continue to operate reguardless of the data supplier. 

I work on this software on weekends and at night after all other house projects are complete.  Since I use the software, I will try to update it to a pseudo usable state in a short time.  If it gets there, there will be some features missing and additional bugs which I will address over time.  

The first goal is to get last price or a reasonable recent price and of course dividends.   I am looking at a vendor that supplies this but the dividends only go back about a year instead of five years.  This could pose a problem while transitioning.   The dividend information is what is used to calculate the long term results and if they are missing or incomplete then the calculations will be incorrect.

I always look for ways to keep the prices reasonable and will continue to do so.  Sometimes that means taking longer to produce the product.  In the end the product is typically better, and has a much longer lifespan.

I'll keep you updated via this page and thank you for your support!

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